Communicative Competence Based Language Teaching : An English Course Design For Primary Teacher Education

Ali Mustadi
Nowadays, English language education, especially for primary school students in Indonesia, has become English educators’ interest. The educators are concerned with the teaching and learning of English, including English teaching and learning in the early National Education, No.0487/14/1992 chapter VIII and the decree of the Minister of National Education, No. 060/U/1993 which state that the English subject can be included into the local content of the curriculum of elementary schools.
The student of ESTD are expected to have the competencies as elementary school teachers with good English, both spoken and written, especially English skills for delievering instructional materials when they teach in the classroom. To achieve there competencies, ESTD trains students in acquiring professional skills and qualifications in elementary school teaching by providing them with general English, English for instruction, and English for the early childhood or elementary school students. Hopefully, the students will acquire the competencies as professional teachers with good English and they can deliver materials or a number of subjects by using English as the language of instruction. This is in line with the needs of the elementary school students where they receive a number of subjects including English.
Understanding the concept of communicative competence and applying it to language teaching is a hard work, especially in its adaptation and implementation such as: facilities in the departement. Regarding the hard adoption of the current theori of communicative competence in developing English syllabuses in ESTD, it needs a transition from the old to the new version. The transition is in the form of the design of a proposed syllabus which combines the structurally based competence with the new perspective of commmunicative competence. It means that this transition model is not fully communicative competence. This model of the proposed syllabus design is the strategy for easing students’ transition from the structurally based approach to the communicative competence based language teaching.