(preorder) TPACK-P (Techonological, Pedagogical, Content, Knowledge-Practice) Konteks Potensi Lokal

Insih Wilujeng, Antuni Wiyarsi, Desy Purwasih
Buku ini membahas tentang: Kerangka TPACK-P untuk guru IPA; aplikasi TPACK-P pada program Pendidikan Guru; status TPACK guru IPA saat ini; Rubrik TPACK-P pembelajaran IPA dengan TIK; Pengembangan Pembelajaran dan Pengetahuan Professional guru IPA; mengembangkan sensitivitas guru prajab terhadap interaksi antara materi pelajaran, pedagogi dan TIK; menguji TPACK guru menggunakan sumber-sumber e-learning dalam ilmu pengetahuan dasar. Bagian kedua bab tetang indigenous knowledge as a key to sustainable development; exploring how modern sciences impede the development of indigenous knowledge, ethno-science and ethno-mathematics in the Kavango east region: a case study; indigenous knowledge and science; ethnosciences-a step towards the integration of scientific and indigenous forms of knowledge in the management of natural resources for the future; research trend on ethnosciene throught bibliometric analysis and the contribution of oindonesia; the religion of everyday life: an ethnoscience investigation into the concepts of religion and magic; informing decision-making with indigenous and local knowledge and science.